519-323-9000 [email protected]

sdsWork Orders
Work OrderCustomerDescription
17835Mun of Chatham-Kenttaxiway and apron lighting
17827EC King Concretenew powder silo
17830Mun of West GreyWell 2 d/r UV
17825Lavis ContractingKling pit stacker soft start
17811Spring ValleyLakeside 28
17791Mun of Northern BruceTobermory Airport
17762ChalmersTeviotdale office light breaker
17699Dave Garnerapartment wiring
17700St. Thomas AirportRunway 27 PAPI replacement
17643Mun of Arran Elderslietruck fill signal splitter
17635Greatariosupply cable tray
17587GreatarioBingham Crossing
17582Excell Stampingdock latch
17204Mun of West GreyDurham SPS transducer
17162Lewis Land & StockEweville water bowls
17130GreatarioTHLC 2024
17898Duane Holmpower for optical genset etc
17891Excell Stampingroof vent timer
17893Heavy Equipment Repairpressure washer
17897Lewis Land and Stockinternet plug elevator
17894Matt Brouwergenerator
17877Miller AggCole pit switch handle
17878Mun of West GreyNeustadt sewage lift fan
17879Mun of West GreyDurham sewage biofilter pump
17892Roberts FarmLED lighting
17876Sauble Creekoptical sorter
17896Troy Masonhot water heater
17882Walsh Healthrepair lights
17889Waste Managementtransfer station lights
17895Waste Managementdisc electrical at xfer station
17853Wellington Condoparking lot light front entrance light